

Report On Youth, Social Media, and Misinformation

There is a new report on youth, social media, and misinformation out from the excellent team at MediaSmarts. It dives into the topic of: Young Canadians Evaluate Efforts of Social Media Platforms to Counter Disinformation.

Lots of great stuff here for people who are passionate about digital literacy like me!

I was heartened to see young Canadians having a healthy skepticism of information they see online (even…or at times especially…information from family), they would actively address that misinformation by providing correct information, or if they weren’t sure they would follow up to see if the information was correct or not. All outstanding moves for a strong digital citizen.

#digcit #socialmedia #medialiteracy #digitalliteracy #digitalwellness #mediasmarts

You can check the report out HERE.

Some Questions You Can Use to Explore this Report

A report on youth, social media, and misinformation can be a great jumping-off point for discussions with your kids or students. There is a lot in this report for your students to have their voice heard as well!

-Where do you see the most misinformation? Why?

-Do you often see misinformation from family? From strangers? How do you deal with it?

-Who created these reports and how? How are they funded? Is the number of “youth” they spoke with listed and what does “youth” mean in terms of this report? How could any of these factors impact the information they gathered?


Kermode Education Can Help You Explore This Topic and More!

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The team at Kermode are authors and innovators who believes that education and travel can save the world.

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