

Deep Fakes Are Coming For Us All

Deep Fakes are coming for us all is a dramatic headline. But maybe this topic deserves a bit of hype. What happens when you can’t trust what you see and hear?

Deep Fake videos are images and/or audio of someone saying or doing something they have never done. Some of the most famous deep fake videos can be found HERE. They can be all fun and games, but what about when a deep fake is applied to a political leader? Could it cause people to vote differently than they would otherwise? Could it even ignite a war?


Deep Fake Videos Are More Accessible Than Ever

An article from CTV News says “Although the AI technology behind this isn’t new, it’s becoming easier to access apps and websites that can be used to generate convincing fake images, videos, and audio clips featuring familiar faces.”

You no longer need expensive hardware and software or technical expertise to create very convincing videos. Furthermore, the technology is just getting better and more user-friendly. With this ease of access has come an increase in scams using famous faces to promote anything from cannabis companies to Cryptocurrencies.


Some questions you can explore with your kids or your class:

-Have you ever seen a deep fake video and thought it was real? How did you find out it was fake?

-What strategies could you use to verify if a video is real or not?

-Are there ways governments and tech companies can work together to label authentic content?

-How can we limit the potential damage deep fake videos can do?

-Could deep fake videos impact an election or enflame a conflict? Can you think of any other negative impacts deep fake videos could have?

-Are there positives that could come out of the technology used for deep fake videos?


Kermode Education Can Help You Explore This Topic and More!

Contact the Kermode Education team today to see how our eLearning platform can help your kids or your students improve their digital literacy skills.


#socialpsychology #education #digital #algorithms #digcit #medialiteracy

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The team at Kermode are authors and innovators who believes that education and travel can save the world.

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