
How It Works

KERMODE makes you think

Kermode helps you build crucial digital literacy skills using cutting edge page analysis technology, Inquiry Based Learning, and projects/lesson plans developed by incredible educators.


Copy and paste URL

Copy the web address you want to evaluate and paste it into “Website URL” field at the top of the KERMODE evaluator page.


KERMODE analyzes the page

Our innovative software analyses the page for over 20 different elements to assess for accuracy, bias, and timeliness. Based on that analysis, you will see a series of graphics, inquiry questions, and explanations that will help you determine whether this is a good source of information or not.


Answer questions and record thinking (Interactive Version)

With the interactive version, users will be able to answer the interactive questions and share their work with teachers, parents, colleagues or friends.


Save time with focused instruction (Interactive Version)

KERMODE is available 24/7 to facilitate strong research skills, answers common digital literacy questions, and help teachers highlight gaps in student knowledge to support focused instruction and save time.


Use your new skills!

Get out there and think critically, collaborate, laugh, cheer, and celebrate because now you're ready to take on the world as a well informed digital citizen!

Start building critical thinking skills

Start using Kermode today